Alright, so, for the time being, this is going to be the location of the temporary site.  Nothing fanciful for now, as I'm working on a from-scratch site ATM.

For those coming here via the gaming stream, sorry I haven't been streaming lately.  I've had mid-terms all this week, mid-term projects involving re-creating an entire medieval village by hand (for 3D Design class), as well as working on this site and machinima.  I'm going to attempt to do at least ONE horror stream this weekend on Friday.  I most likely won't be streaming at all next week as it's spring break and I'm going to be driving 5 hours to visit my parents for the week.  Once again, sorry for the lack of streams.  I'll be making it up by doing Zelda speed-runs the following week and a new horror game.  I should also have finished an advertisement video to upload to Machinima Respawn to get more viewers.

Anyways, enjoy the temp site while it lasts.